Friday, January 29, 2010

Rain.Steam and Speed. ( based on the painting by William Turner)

Like the fiery steam,i move through
Cloudy days and mystique nights,
Abiding by all thats around me
In my catastrophic happiness and fearless frights.
Like the tracks,my life's laid
Open as the greens,with endless rains.
And it comes to me as i gush past the moving fog,
Leaving behind all my stains.

But in this fast moving world,i lose myself,
In the thoughts of that unknown elf.
The crystal blues scatter by
In my world of darkness,placed up so high.
I try stepping down,but chained i feel
And find myself gurgling in the ocean wheel.
I try running away,but i fail
Only to know,i am bound by this trail.
Upon tolerating bridges,and the fading rivers
Seeing the blues turn yellow,my heart quivers.
I see them screaming,fighting,and i hide myself
And close my soul in that rusted shelf.

But then the rains evoke me,and i find mysef running
So fast that i forget turning.
Like an engine pulled machine i rush along
When everything blurs and i lose my inners,that made me strong
Mystiques become hindrances,and throw me back
And i find myself on that same shack.
I fail but tell myself its not forever
And with this,i wash down all my shiver.
I run back along that same track
The spikey rains,the misty steam cannot hold me back.
Arounds blur,jealous screams purr.
But i run along
To complete my life-song.

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